Everyone needs an Amanda

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An Amanda is great to have. She loves to do all the things you hate and thus makes doing those dreaded things a bit more bearable. An Amanda will go apartment hunting with you and then come over later to swim with you in the pool she helped pick out. She will also go to the grocery store and is even excited that you have left this horrid task to be done at a time when you are together. An Amanda will prepare food in your own kitchen and leave you stocked up with lunches for the week. Sometimes she even adds stuff to your kitchen collection – like a cast iron skillet. An Amanda will come over to do Turbo Jam with you on weekends when your boyfriend is out of town. She will bring a toy for your dog. An Amanda will babysit your puppy when you are on vacation and call you 8 months later to tell you about the adorable puppy pictures she just got developed. An Amanda will spend 6 hours on a Saturday shopping with you for a dress you can wear to your little sister’s wedding. On Sunday, she will invite you to lunch and then return with you to the very same store you were at yesterday to return the shoes you bought. Then she will help you pick out a new pair. I love my Amanda. I highly recommend getting one of your own.

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6 thoughts on “Everyone needs an Amanda

  1. Amaaaaandaaaa

    Wow! I need to read this blogs more often! Jamie, that was really sweet! I love you! I’ll do whatever I can for you! I may need to use this blog as a reference in case a teaching job doesn’t come through. I may have to rent myself out! I love you Jamie!


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