When Friend Twins Make Dumb Decisions

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Sometimes when you have a Friend Twin like I do, you think that since you look alike, you will always think alike. But that is not always the case – like when your friend twin decides to move to stupid Florida. Dumb. Why would anyone want to live in Florida?

In an effort to hang out more before her departure and so she could practice, Ellen and I headed out for a bike ride a couple weeks ago. Ellen hasn’t ridden a bike in about 10 years. When she got on, her first comment was “Jamie, I’m really scared.” Being that biking is going to be a significant mode of transportation when she is in Florida, I found this comment somewhat hilarious. Of course, when I tried out her bike, I also was very scared. I felt like I was going to flip over the handle bars. She test rode mine and that 30 second ride was all it took to convince her she needed a new bike. At Ellen’s instruction, we placed her bike on the outside of the bike rack so that if it fell off, it wouldn’t be a big loss.

We made Mark take this picture. I think he was embarrassed about the helmets.


Ellen had just purchased hers an hour before. It has safety flashing lights on the back! And I only own a helmet because my bike was used in a video shoot at work. We purchased the helmet as a prop and my boss gave it to me after the shoot. When we were riding, we passed Ellen’s dad and aunt. They ride the bike trail together every Saturday so Ellen knew we might see them. And her aunt, whom I’ve never met before, made a comment about how we look alike. So of course we told her it’s not the first time we’ve heard that. We enjoyed that long leisurely bike ride so much, we wondered why we hadn’t been riding all summer. Stupid Florida!!! UGH.

Despite her poor judgement, I hosted a last minute girl’s night for some extra bonding. This was my first attempt at making Ellen’s gluten free cheesecake. It turned out delicious but I think that was because of the Florida illustration I made with the dark chocolate chips. I even added the Florida Keys because that is where Ellen is ultimately headed.


Her parting gift was a set of salad serving utensils I caught her eyeballing at my parent’s garage sale in July. I didn’t want to miss out on this hot item so I purchased them as soon as she left.


Ironically, it was on garage sale day that she confirmed the move was happening. I had known for a while it was a possibility but nothing definite had been planned.

But back to the “welcome home in 24 months” get together – we laughed and bonded and talked and ate veggies and cheesecake for hours. We had planned to go to dinner but never made it. I whipped out some Tarot cards and did a reading for everyone. By “reading”, I mean I followed the shuffling/dealing instructions to the best of my understanding and then read what the book had to say. The best was Ellen’s card:


I fully expect some photos of her riding a dolphin in her pajamas to pop up on facebook soon.

Around midnight, Mark’s dad dropped him off. They had gone up to the Oktoberfest. When he entered, Amanda laughed, “Uh oh, Mark looks VERY happy!” Happy = tipsy.

Before my ladies headed out, I asked happy Mark to take a picture of us. Mark takes his pictures in manual mode (who does that?*), so manual mode + beer happy = a long time to take a picture. Oh well, we just got to hug each other longer right?












There we go!


That was last Saturday and on Tuesday, Becca and I stopped by Ellen’s apartment. I did not leave empty handed – guess what I’m babysitting for the next 24 months?


I would like to stress 24 months. That is the plan. Of course just the other day on an unrelated topic, Ellen was telling me how good of a liar she is so I guess we’ll see…

My friend twin left for Key West today at about 10pm so she should be back around the same time on Sunday August 30th, 2015. While I will miss her dearly, I know that people move in and out of your life. This is not the first time a good friend has moved away and likely not the last. Thank God for the internet. I found my house, my dog and my husband online and the internet has allowed me to maintain some of the most important friendships of my life.

So Ellen, I hope you have a fantastic time living your medium chill and come home to tell me all about it!

*I should learn how to do this

Posted in humdrum on by .

7 thoughts on “When Friend Twins Make Dumb Decisions

  1. Jessica

    First of all, you girls look more like sisters than we do! Second, did Pixel take a nibble of that cheesecake? Third, cute Florida decoration. Fourth, that series of photos made me nauseated. Fifth, cute plant. Sixth, the garage sale gift is very deep and symbolic . . . . hmmmmmm. Good luck with your move, Ellen (aka Jamie’s Friend Twin)!

  2. kara

    loved the picture evolution. and i also loved that you girls had veggies and cheesecake. good luck, ellen! i’m sure it will be an adventurous 728 days! oh, and your plant is in good hands. 🙂

  3. Amanda

    I am so glad you added the countdown clock so that I can track her return better.
    ELLEN, you will be missed dearly, You have been a dear Friend Twin to my sister, and a great honorary sister to me.
    I have to imagine that the pictures Mark took truly reflected the way his brain saw us at that point in the evening.
    Well Sister. I like that I get to be your backup in-town bestie while Ellen is in Florida-dumb Florida. (Ugg, Florida is soooooo lucky!)

  4. Ellen

    Thanks for the wonderful send off! I couldn’t have asked for more. YOU BAKED FOR ME. That made me feel really special and not only did you bake but you used your design skills to make a chocolate Florida. DAAP would be proud. I just can’t say enough – everything was perfect – the veggies, the garage sale gift, Becca’s Funf and of course my tarot cards. I used them to my advantage by telling Mark that the universe says if he marries me that he will be able to ride dolphins. So I really see a wedding in my near future.

    I miss you (and all my other ladies) very much but I know that neither time nor distance can take us apart. I mean, look how long it was before we ever even knew each other and yet we had already become mostly the same person. So I have no doubt the even here in FL I will continue to become a little more Jamellen every day. (Or is it Ellmie?)

    (NOTE: Next time we take a picture of us and I’m wearing a belt bag (aka fanny pack) remind me to turn it toward the camera to capture it for all time)

  5. Becca

    Jamie, great blog! I love the pictures. By the time we got the best picture my smile wasn’t as good, but my cheeks were hurting. The evening was wonderful. Cheesecake and tarot readings! I love the countdown clock. I can’t wait for the 24 months to be up and Ellen to be back home in Cincinnati.
    Ellen, I miss you already! Hurry home my friend! Enjoy it while you are there though! Like Jamie said, thank God for the intetnet.

  6. Mom

    And once again Jamie you wrote a great blog. Having a true friend is a blessing and special privilege. Yes, no matter how far apart you are you friendship will always remain strong.


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